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I am a Mom...

On a Mission

I admit it, I was a box checker. Go to college- check. Get a job- check. Get married- check. Buy a house- check. Have kids- check… and then what? Work 40 years until I can retire and finally start living? Wait what!?


The year 2020 impacted us all. For me, it changed my life. I took a voluntary furlough from my career in physical therapy of 14 years because suddenly I was a homeschooling mama to a preschooler and kindergartner. Let me tell you… it wasn’t pretty. 

We survived and when the dust settled, I finally had the time to slow down, pause, and ask myself, what am I doing? Am I really living my life? And where the heck am I headed?


I had always had it on my heart to start my own business, but I never had the time and energy, which looking back were terrible excuses I had because of a fear of failure… and let’s not forget about the false narrative we have all told ourselves that we’re not qualified. 


So, I took a leap of faith and began my entrepreneurial journey. And my dream grew into a thriving business! It grew into exactly what I dreamed it would be, but I felt alone on the journey. 


I sought community, however I never fit in. I was told time after time that I couldn’t be a mom AND a successful business owner. I was told I had to compartmentalize life and family, that they couldn’t co-exist. I was asked about how my “little mommy business was going.” I didn’t want to choose. I knew that being a mom made me a better business owner, and I am a better business owner, because I am a mom. 


When I couldn’t find a table where I belonged, I built my own and The Moms on a Mission Community was born. 


It turns out that I’m not alone and now I am on a mission to ensure no mom feels alone on her journey and has the resources she needs to thrive as an entrepreneur. I am here to change the narrative that you have to choose. You can have both, be an incredible, fully present mom AND a highly successful business owner. 


In the journey of building my first successful business, I discovered my true passion, empowering women with the skills to do the same. Building a business looks different as a mom, especially depending on the season of life that you’re in. 


Here’s the thing, if I can do it so can YOU! If you have a dream on your heart, you need to chase it. I’m here to guide you through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and help you avoid making the same mistakes that I did starting out. As a mom, your time and energy are your two most valuable assets. 


You don’t have to choose and TOGETHER we can change the narrative. You can have BOTH! 


Are you ready? Let's GO!

Meet Amy

A self proclaimed chaos coordinator, Amy has made it her mission to ensure no woman feels alone on her journey as an entrepreneur. 


Amy has built two highly successful businesses from the ground up and in doing so has found her true passion, empowering and educating fellow moms to do the same.


She is a business coach, host of the top 3% globally ranked, The Motivated Mompreneur Podcast, and the Founder of The Moms on a Mission Community.


Amy loves snuggling with her kiddos, traveling with her family, and curling up on the couch with a good book!


Navigating The Shift: Transitioning From Medicine to Entrepreneurs 
Listen Here

Help Your Home-Life and Business Thrive 
Listen Here

Mindset Shifts Essential to Entrepreneurial Success 
Listen Here

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